Session: Artificial Intelligence in games by Grzegorz Mazur

By April 11, 2016News
Grzegorz-Mazur-Vile-Monarch DevGamm

DevGAMM will host Grzegorz Mazur ( ex-11 bit studios, now Vile Monarch) with the talk “Artificial Intelligence in games”

Learn how to make your 3d models or pixels alive. Make them think and interact with player in your game. This talk will be an overview of current most popular AI techniques and concepts, full of examples from games like Crush Your Enemies or This War of Mine.

This will not be very technical but it’s going to interesting not only for programmers but generally to developers – especially game designers. It will help for intermediate developers to systematize their knowledge about AI plus there will be a lot of example and curiosities from development of This War of Mine or Crush Your Enemies AI. On the other hand it will be great for beginners who just want to start their adventure with creating AI for games – Grzegorz will show them concrete tools and directions they should go.


Grzegorz Mazur. Programmer. Information Technology graduate at Warsaw University of Technology. Currently Co-Boss and Technical Director at Vile Monarch. Previously worked for 11 bit studios where he was Lead Programmer of This War of Mine and Sleepwalker`s Journey. Specialized in gameplay and AI programming. Teacher at Warsaw Film School and Academy of Games and Post-Production. Amateur musician and board games enthusiast.

All of you interested in game Artificial Intelligence, register for DevGAMM now