

Game Jams benefits explained by Surgeon Simulator & I Am Bread creator

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We often hear developers say at DevGAMM that game jams played a great role in their projects. Whether it were external events like Global Game Jam and Ludum Dare, or brainstorms and contests within the company, their value cannot be underestimated.

But not everyone understands yet how to take full advantage of game jams. While Piotr Iwanicki, SUPERHOT creator, will talk about participating in external events, Imre Jele from Bossa Studios is going to tell how internal jams helped launch their successful projects.
At Bossa, they believe that truly innovative games require disruptive production methods and novel use of technologies. Bossa team uses new tech and leadership approaches to inspire themselves to create better games in a better way. Their obsession with doing things differently shines particularly well in their regular internal gamejams which created multiple million selling games like Surgeon Simulator, I Am Bread and their ambitious new title; Worlds Adrift.

Imre Jele is a lifelong gamer and game-creator, expert in game design, narrative, crossmedia and audience engagement. He’s known for promoting innovative and collaborative creative approaches including Bossa’s regular internal Game Jams.

Throughout his colourful career, Imre has worked on a wide range of game genres and platforms. He’s Co-founder and Creator-in-Chief of Bossa Studios – winner of multiple BAFTA and other awards, creator of Surgeon Simulator and Worlds Adrift.

Imre has been serving on BAFTA Games Committee since 2012, where his focus are to increase the popular cultural perception and governmental recognition of games, and helping young talent entering the industry.

He will answer all of your questions at DevGAMM Minsk 2016. Make sure to buy a ticket now!

Keynote: Artist Teamwork on The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine

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Have you ever wondered how cooperation between departments works on big projects?

Marta Dettlaff and Kacper NIepokólczycki from CD Projekt RED are planning to lift the veil on the issue. They will share the mechanic of teamwork organization in the artistic division of the company.

Marta and Kacper will focus on crucial cooperation between concept and environment artist to show the benefits of working together and how it improved The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine expansion pack.

The session is going to pick the interest both of the fans of the series and artists, lead, producers, those who coordinate large teams.

Marta Dettlaff is a Concept Artist working in CD PROJEKT RED studio. She participated in production of “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt”, “Hearts of Stone” and “Gwent: The Witcher Card Game”, however the most important title for her is “Blood & Wine” – the final expansion for “The Witcher” franchise, where she was responsible for most crowd and character designs.

Kacper NIepokólczycki is an Environment Artist at CD PROJEKT RED. He worked on “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” and the final expansion for the game “Blood and Wine”. Previously collaborated with The Farm 51 on “PainKiller HD” and “Deadfall Adventures”. He is a passionate gamer, working in the game development industry for 5 years.

Check out the live presentation and make sure to ask questions at DevGAMM Minsk 2016. You still have time to buy a ticket.

Schedule for DevGAMM Minsk 2016 is Revealed

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We took your feedback into consideration and tried to include as many of this year’s burning topics as we could.

This turned into 5 parallel streams of sessions, workshops and panel discussions. The keynote presentations are:

  • Piotr Iwanicki will talk about SUPERHOT and how being different can be rewarded
  • Jakub Dvorsky is going to take you on the 5-year journey of Samorost 3 development
  • Marta Dettlaff & Kacper Niepokólczycki will dwell upon art teams collaboration on big projects like The Witcher 3
  • Imre Jele is going to tell the story of how internal GameJams turned into hits like Surgeon Simulator and I am bread

Also look for sessions from Electronic Arts, Amazon, Google, Epic Games, Unity Technologies, Vizor Interactive,, Game Insight, Playrix, Pixonic and many others.

Discussion Panels

  • Andrey Ivashentsev (Game Insight) will host a panel called ‘New realities and form factors in gamedev’ dedicated to VR, AR and new tech that influences the industry.
  • Michael Kuzmin (Herocraft) will bring up the burning topic of hiring for big and small studios during  ‘Game designer hunt or how recruitment actually works’ panel.
  • Alex Nichiporchik (tibyBuild) and Leonid Sirotin (Independent Expert) will have an unusual fireside chat  called ‘Script writer, producer and game designer walk into a bar…’
  • During ‘Anti-Lynch: how to correct mistakes in your game design’ 7 experts will provide a detailed analysis of 3 games and give advice for improvements

Themed Tracks

Art and Animation

The second conference day will be full of information for artists, animators, art directors, designers and everyone whose work is related to creativity. From the right task setting to icon creation, we tried to bring as many crucial topics as possible.

Game Sound

If you create music and sounds for games and want to upgrade your skills, make sure to add the Green Hall sessions of the second conference day to your must-visit list.

Google Apps & Games

This track will be useful for those who already released or are about to release a game on Google Play. The speakers will tell about data gathering, analytics, Youtube influence and many more.

Unreal Engine 4

Sjoerd De Jong, Unreal Engine Evangelist, will build a game from scratch by using the power of UE4’s visual scripting language Blueprints. He will also cover level building, effects, post processing, and almost all of UE4s standard lighting features.