


Workshop: Introduction to Unreal

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Andy Hess, Epic Games evangelist, is going to hold a workshop on Unreal Engine at DevGAMM this year.

Unreal Engine 4 is a complete suite of game development tools made by game developers, for game developers. From 2D mobile games to console blockbusters and VR, Unreal Engine 4 gives you everything you need to start, ship, grow and stand out from the crowd.

With Unreal Engine 4, you can learn one engine and one workflow to meet all of your needs now and in the future. From mobile projects to super high-end console and PC games, Unreal Engine is in use by indies and professionals around the world. And it’s free!

Epic Evangelist Andy Hess will start the second day of DevGAMM by going over basics of Unreal Engine including UI, terminology, conventions, content management, and learning resources. Additional topic include an introduction to materials & lighting, Blueprints, the Unreal Game Framework.


Andy Hess. As Evangelist at Epic Games, Andy’s role is to help independent game developers build great games with Unreal Engine 4. Andy’s previous experience includes Apple, Ageia, and NVIDIA – a 20 year career working with game developers to build amazing gaming experiences.

To get into Unreal Engine workshop, register for DevGAMM now


Pieces of advice: plod to prosperity with VK gaming platform

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If you are currently working or planning to work with, the session by Maxim Babichev is highly recommended.

Everybody likes success stories. But what hides behind them? A lot of work. Now VK can try to slightly open a window to the world of techniques which work great in VK. Maxim will use Dragon Knight (made by Esprit Games), Vinland Revival (made by Mystery Tag)  and Rats (made by Overgamez) as examples.


Maxim Babichev is a graduate from Saint Petersburg State University of Economics where was taught computer science and business informatics. Joined VK team in 2007, the developer advocate since 2014. Working with gaming partners from the first acquaintance to a project launch as well as passionately evangelize and advocate developers’ needs withing VK platform.

Play-&-Chat-ShowGames-DevGAMM 2016

Play & Chat – New Format at DevGAMM

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Imagine a traditional discussion panel where experts talk about the state of game development.
Imagined? Sounds boring? We agree!

Down with banal discussion. It’s time to turn it into … a competition!
What is the competition in the gaming industry? eSports tournament, of course!

Invited game industry experts are going to battle in Hearthstone, meanwhile two hosts Roman Goroshkin and Iliya Esaulov will be distracting them with tricky questions.

It’s called Play & Chat, and we are organizing it for the first time with the support of GameShow. Will we be able to mix business and pleasure? How will experts handle the multitasking?

We are going to learn that on May 13 at 15:00 in Red Hall. Don’t forget to buy DevGAMM ticket!

Let us present you the players. Each one oа them has a special power!

Valentin Merzlikin vs Semyon Voynov



Alexandra Pestretsova vs Marina Goncharova

Leonid Sirotin vs Roman Povolotskiy