

Ed Valienete Nintendo DevGAMM speaker

Nintendo Of Europe Coming To Russia For the First Time

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Through years we got so many requests from you to invite Nintendo to DevGAMM. And this year we finally managed to get a representative from Nintendo of Europe to give a talk at DevGAMM Moscow!

Ed Valiente, Business Development Manager, will discuss self-publishing on Nintendo eShop for the first time in Russia.

Nintendo has enabled developers to self-publish their games since 2008, but to some the process to release games on Nintendo eShop on the Wii U console and Nintendo 3DS portable system appears shrouded in mystery. Ed will talk about high level business policies and walk you through the process step-by-step from applying to be a developer through to certification, marketing and PR support opportunity and post-launch support.

Speaker Background

Ed Valiente Speaker DevGAMM

Ed Valiente joined Nintendo’s European Publisher Business department in 2010 initially working with traditional retail publishers. Since the launch of Wii U in 2012, his remit expanded to cover indie developers. Ed has been in the games industry since 1997 and has previously worked at Sony, Microsoft, Square Enix, Bandai Namco and Rovio. He holds a Masters Degree in Social and Political Science from the University of Cambridge.

Looking to make games for Nintendo? Get a first-hand insight at DevGAMM! Register now!

How The World of The Witcher 3 Was Created: Quest Design

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There is a game you might have heard of…It’s called The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt!

Personally, here at DevGAMM, we love, love, love The Witcher franchise. There is so much our audience can learn from the best game of 2015.

Which is why we can’t help but regulary invite speakers from CD Projekt RED who can share their experience with you.

DevGAMM Moscow 2016 will have Philipp Weber, the quest designer in CD Projekt Red. His talk “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Killing Monsters and Creating Worlds”  is all about how the quest team worked on combining narrative and exploration through non-linear storytelling. He will explore how a quest progresses from a single idea to a finished story and how to create a believable world with meaningful content.

Here is a sneak peek from his presentation;)

Ведьмак 3 доклад DevGAMM

Want to meet Philipp and ask him your questions? Register for DevGAMM now!

Jon Carnage Twitch DevGAMM Moscow 2016

First Time Ever: Choose Keynote Topic Yourself!

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DevGAMM Moscow preparations are going full speed: time to announce our first keynote speakers!

Jon Carnage, Live Programing Director of Twitch, is coming to Russia for the first time! Quick reminder: Jon did a talk at DevGAMM Minsk last year and it was a great success.

But this time we are taking a different approach. We want YOU to choose the topic for Jon to cover at DevGAMM. We will send Jon your ideas and he will decide on the best ones himself.

Write your suggestions or questions in the comments!