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Maria Chyrvonaya

Tallinn to Host GameDev Days 2016

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The fourth annual GameDev Days conference will take place on April 8-9th 2016 at the Sokos Hotel Viru, located in the historical center of legendary Tallinn.

Traditionally, this event is organized and hosted by Creative Mobile, the largest Estonian mobile game developer and publisher. The conference is supported by IGDA Estonia, local chapter of the largest non-profit organization that supports game developers around the world, in cooperation with the Gaming Accelerator GameFounders.

The format of GameDev Days 2016 changes slightly from previous conferences, this year the main focus will be on ‘Indie Heroes’ covering the release process of successful indie projects. A significant amount of time will be devoted to game design, graphic design and community management.

As usual, there will be two intense days dedicated to the discussion of a wide variety of topics, related to the nuances of game development. Including game design, business development, technologies of development, challenges for indie developers, as well as the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

This year we expect more than twenty speakers including representatives of such companies as Google, Microsoft, Unity, IGDA Finland, Wargaming, Epic Games.


Conference will have two session tracks:

Startup track – featuring inspiring success stories and pro tips on how to start up a gaming business. This track is designed for students and enthusiasts who are starting their way to game development industry.

Experts track – focused on the latest industry trends, new technologies and researches.

This track is for business developers, including huge networking and sharing industry insights.

Also, should be noted, that GameDev Days 2016 has restrictions to commercial activities of service providing companies.

This year, the ticket cost has been lowered, to welcome young developers dreaming of their own game release, as well as industry professionals interested in networking.

The Game Village exhibition will take place throughout the day at the conference. All the conference participants will be able to vote for the favorite project. The winner will be announced and rewarded with special prizes from event partners.

Follow GameDev Days  on Facebook and Twitter.

Use promo code GDDFriends673 to get 20% off the ticket price! Register now!

Localization Crowdsourcing: Tips for Game Developers and Publishers

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Every developer eventually faces the localization problem. For a better chance of succeeding abroad your game should be translated and adjusted to the realities and culture of a target country. There are so many ways to do it and one of them is…crowdsourcing.

Yes, you’ve heard it right. You can crowdsource your localization.

Ksenia Mezhenina from All Correct Games will tell you about their experience in crowdsourcing and provide some tips on how to organize this process in the most efficient way. The talk ‘Crowdsourcing: Tips for Game Developers and Publishers’ is based on Russian localization of the game Romans in My Carpet that was done by All Correct last year. The most significant part of the talk is describing ways of team building in crowdsourcing.

Ksenia Mezhenina is a Senior Editor at All Correct Games. She has been working in game localization for three years and edits translations for such companies as EA, Ubisoft, Gaijin Entertainment and etc.

Learn more at DevGAMM! Register now!

Indie Franchising Lessons From Q.U.B.E. Developer

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Daniel Da Rocha, director at Fiddlesticks and Toxic Games, is going to deliver a talk called “Turning Your Indie Game Into An Indie Franchise”

When starting out, many indies only think about the first game and don’t plan for what will come after, whether their level of success is boom or doom. Da Rocha will talk about the creation of Q.U.B.E. and how its success led the team to create an enhanced version of the game for consoles before diving into development on its sequel, Q.U.B.E. 2. In a time where buzzwords such as “indiepocalypse” are floating around, building upon the foundations of your first successful title is a smart move.

Speaker Background

Dan Da Rocha

Daniel Da Rocha is the Director at Fiddlesticks and Toxic Games. Creating award-winning indie game Q.U.B.E. straight out of University and securing investment from Indie Fund, he was able to set up a full-time indie game studio. Since then he has produced more games including the multi-million downloaded title, Mortar Melon, multi-award-winning Hue and the upcoming sequel to his first game, Q.U.B.E. 2. Dan regularly attends and speaks at events around the globe and thrives on sharing knowledge, expertise and learning of new ways to do business in the ever changing games industry.

Learn the ropes of indie franchising from Daniel Da Rocha at DevGAMM! Your ticket is waiting for you here!