

Unity Certified Developer Exam Comes To Belarus

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Al last Unity Developer Certification has come to Belarus and neighbor countries. Now you will be able to confirm your Unity skills and expertise by taking a special exam.

This certificate will be valid for 2 years and can help build your resume or may even bring you closer to a promotion on your current position.

First exam in Minsk, Belarus will take place on November 11 during DevGAMM Minsk 2016.

“For the first time in CIS we are launching a series of certification exams to be held in educational institutions and during professional events. DevGAMM was the first event that we [Unity] partnered with for the official certification. After all this conference attracts the largest concentration of Unity developers in the region”.

Roman Menyakin, Director Business Development at Unity Technologies.

Tickets can already be purchased online. We collaborated with Unity to offer you a good bargain with joint ticket for the conference and the exam. If you already have a DevGAMM ticket, you can register for certification separately.

The exam takes 90 minutes and contains of 100 questions spanning 16 areas of competency in Unity. Remember to have a photo ID with you.

You can read more about the exam on Unity website. Hurry up and get registred, the prices will rise on October 1st.

NB! Without conference ticket you won’t be able to get certified.

New discussion panel: Anti-Lynch

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DevGAMM is known for Game Lynch, which has turned into an amazing show but kind of lost its constructive nature along the way.

So one small group of enthusiasts decided to do better, break the system developed by Alex Nichiporchik, exclude alcohol, and bring value to developers. This is how Anti-Lynch was created.

 Serge Himmelreich

Serge Himmelreich

Producer and Founder of ORC WORK

Discussion Panel organized with the support of GDCuffs collective blog will feature a detailed analysis of game design mistakes in 3 games. Seven experts will take every game to pieces to provide advice for improvements.

The panel is hosted by Serge Himmelreich, the Producer and Founder of ORC WORK company. Each game will be reviewed by pair of experts who will assume the roles of bad cops.

All games will be selected from GAMM:Play submissions. Send your game now to get extra possibility to be upgraded by game design gurus.

If your game is chosen for Anti-Lynch, you have nothing to be afraid of: you won’t need to drink on stage or participate in lightsaber fight. Instead, each developer is up for a good surprise at the end 😉

Here is a list of Anti-Lynch participants:

Vladimir Kovtun

Vladimir Kovtun

Lead Game Designer, Alawar

Nick Filatov

Nick Filatov

Game Designer, Cloud Castle

Yaroslav Kravtsov

Yaroslav Kravtsov

Producer, Rising Wave

Sviatoslav Torik

Sviatoslav Torik

Product Vision Expert,

Alexandr Pashin

Alexandr Pashin

Senior Game Designer, Silly Penguin

Ilya Ostashko

Ilya Ostashko

Senior Game Designer, AlternativaPlatform

Come to the panel on November 10, at 5 pm, Red Hall.  And make sure to check our video announcement on GDCuffs.


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Hosted in Kunshan, Shanghai – one of the most economically developed cities in China, GMGC – Kunshan, Shanghai will take place on 29th September – 1st October 2016. Kunshan is the main base for many leading gadget manufacturers like Foxconn, Compal, Wistron Corporation etc.

Hear from the industry’s top minds like, Marie Amigues (Altagram), Peng Song (Facebook), Pascal Luban (The Game Design Studio) and many more at our Main Stage; meet other like-minded professionals and developers at the VIP Welcome Dinner and at our Official Party.

To know more about the event, please visit

To Sponsor / Exhibit / Speaking opportunities at GMGC – Beijing 2017, email organizers at