


Check Out Unite Europe

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Unite Europe lands in Amsterdam soon!!!

Unite Europe 2016 is this year’s most important gathering of developers, publishers, training providers and enthusiasts interested in Unity – the market leader platform for creating video games, simulations, and other interactive 3D and 2D content.

Unity-Amsterdam-DevGAMMUnite Europe 2016 offers four days of learning and inspiration, including advanced hands-on tutorials, technical sessions, first-hand information about upcoming Unity features, and an opportunity to join a lavish party. Unite Europe is a great place to meet fellow developers, learn new techniques and tricks, and present your own Unity projects.

There will be a lot of news to share with attendees in our opening keynote. We’ll reveal key details about our new product and pricing structure, and how this will provide more choice over how you use and pay for Unity. As always we’ll invite guest speakers from the community to join us onstage, to show their gorgeous games and give their unique view on creating with Unity.

We are still putting together the roster of amazing tracks and speakers so be sure to check out the Unite Europe website where the final schedule will be available soon.

Unity-Amsterdam-DevGAMMAt this year’s training day you’ll learn how to build a 3D point and click adventure game set in a mechanical futuristic world. Book your ticket soon, seats are limited!

Be one of the first developers in the world to become a Unity Certified Developer. Book now to participate in the Certified Developer test on June 1. If you pass the exam, you get a printable e-certificate, and your name will be listed in the Unity Certification Lookup. It’s a great way to boost both your resume and chances of getting your dream job!

Finally, hit the dance floor at our Unite Europe party, where the marvellous Chipzel will serve up her irresistible 8-beats!


We look forward to seeing you at Unite Europe in Amsterdam and offering special discount of 20% for DevGAMM participants. Use promo-code UnityLovesDevGAMM to get it when registering.

Narrative-Track DevGAMM

First Narrative Track To Happen at DevGAMM

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We are so happy to announce Narrative Track to take place for the first time at DevGAMM and in Russia. Narrative Track will be held in Green Hall on May 13 from 11:00 to 18:00.
Do not miss it, register for DevGAMM now!

Narrative Challenge

Good at telling stories? Sign up for Narrative Challenge and test yourself! Fill in this form to be chosen for the challenge of the century! What is going to happen? No one knows. That’s part of the fun!

Narrative VS MMO

Alexey-KolesnikovSpeaker: Alexey Kolesnikov, World & Story designer, Mail.Ru Group

Session: What is the complexity of the plot development for MMO? For how long you can plan the plot, and where all the plans turn to ashes? How does the work of a writer on large projects such as “Allods Online” happen, and why do we need a script in MMORPGs? These and other questions will be answered by head writer of “Allods Online” – Alexey Kolesnikov. First-Hand narrative design of well-known domestic MMO.

Gamedev writer: from game to the book and back

Speaker: Alexander Zorich, Gamewriter, Zorichbooks

Session: It will be a highly colored story about ups and downs of Russian writers in game industry.
Why are the most of the products which based on real books… that strange?

Who is guilty of it? What to do with it? Learn the answers.

Rights to Characters and Nuances of Easter Eggs: Facets of Intellectual Property

Speaker: Vladislav Arkhipov, Of Counsel, Dentons

Session: This session will be focused on the legal side of narrative design and will answer questions: what a narrative designer should do to minimize risks of individual legal claims and/or risks of putting his/her company into a compromising situation, especially when characters themselves are Easter eggs, where a thin line exists between a parody and infringement.

Game humor: serious talk on not so serious business

Speaker: Igor Nesmelov, Game Designer, Saber Interactive

Session: Humor, no doubt, adds fun to any game. Humor in the Witcher, GTA, Borderlands is widely used for opening game universes and characters, while in The Stanley Parable and Jazzpunk it’s a driving force behind the game mechanics and narrative. But how to use this powerful tool? Why something seems funny? What is the gag, refrain, punchline? And what are the new forms of funny that gamedev can give us in the near future?

Game script writer Zen: plot, text and characters in casual game

Speaker: Evgeniy Danilov, Independent Expert

Session: We achieve enlightenment on the following questions: what the writer needs to know in the first place? How to bring the script from idea to implementation in the game?
How to interest players with text and characters?
The finale will feature spirits materialization and tips on tools.

Psychological factor of player influence

Speaker: Anton Lande, Art Director, Academy of Acting Arts Lande Project

Session: Games evoke the emotions of players. We put a lot of effort into it, to control exactly which emotions, positive are certainly better than negative. We try to involve the player in what is happening in the game, create a link between the player and the characters in the game. Theater and film actors are able to channel emotions of the viewer and their own emotions while acting. Actor’s school teacher Anton Lande will hold an exclusive master class on the use of acting techniques in the development of computer games.

How much does narrative cost or how to count game story profit?


Participants: Evgeniy Danilov, Independent Expert
Evgeni Puzankov, Suricate Games
Alina Brazdeikene, Creative Mobile
Alexey Kolesnikov, Mail.Ru Group
Host: Maria Kochakova, Narratorika

Discussion Panel: Whether there is going to be a story in your game or not the decision is up to you. Story, as well as any feature requires resources. And often you are faced the question whether these resources are worth to invest. Will there be a return? Will the time and effort spent on the production and implementation of the history of the game pay off? Is it possible to predict financial results of the game, with the story or without? During this discussion panel we dare to do the impossible to clash the harmony with algebra.

iOS-Workshop DevGAMM

iOS Workshop Registration Is Open

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One of the traditional activities of DevGAMM is iOS Workshop. This year won’t be an exception.
It will take place on the first day of the conference in Green Hall at 11:30 – 13:00.
The workshop required pre-registration and limited to 30 people. Fill in this form to assure your participaion.

Register for Workshop

If you are developing games for iOS, watchOS, or tvOS, don’t miss this workshop. International speakers will highlight the essentials and hidden gems for building amazing and memorable user experience across the platform.

This session is aimed for development leads and product leads. Due to interactive nature of the session attendance will be invite only. Please make sure you register in advance.