

Mike Bithell BithellGames DevGamm

Thomas Was Alone Creator Mike Bithell Is Coming To DevGAMM

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One of the most requested speakers for DevGAMM over the years has been Mike Bithell. He is a poster boy for indie development, he’s done a ridiculous amount of interviews and now he is coming to Moscow!

If you are a solo developer or a small indie team, his talk “10 things that seem to be working right now for indies“ is definitely meant for you. It’ll be pretty broad in its application with notes on marketing, design, production practice and art.

Indie moves quick, any advice tends to have a short shelf life. This talk focuses on 10 lessons and approaches from recent games, including Mike’s own work (Thomas Was Alone, Volume), Mike will unpack these lessons, and find some solid advice for the audience.


Mike Bithell is the chap behind two reasonably liked British games, Thomas Was Alone and Volume. He is currently working on a VR expansion to Volume, and future, secret things. He’ll probably tell you about them on twitter (@mikebithell) or on his site:

Want to meet Mike Bithell? Today is your last chance to buy Early Bird tickets for DevGAMM! Register now!

IndiePrizeCasualConnect DevGamm

Indie Prize Singapore

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Завтра заканчивается прием заявок на Indie Prize в Сингапуре!

Подавайте заявку на участие в международном шоукейсе Indie Prize  прямо сейчас, 100 лучших игр получат:

– 2 бесплатных билета на Casual Connect Singapore с доступом ко всем лекциям, воркшопам и вечеринкам
– бесплатное место для показа своей игры в Indie Prize
– возможность быть номинированным на Indie Prize Awards
– бесплатное проживание в хостеле на время конференции с другими участниками шоукейса

Заявки принимаются до 31 марта (а это уже завтра!)

По всем вопросам пишите Юлии Мошкаревой на 

Хорошие новости для тех, кто собирается подать игру на DevGAMM Awards. Победители в двух номинациях (скоро будет объявлено в каких) получат 2 места на выставке Indie Prize в Тель-Авиве 1-3 ноября, 2016


FireWatch, DevGAMM

Keynote: Firewatch: Rethinking Story-Driven Games

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DevGAMM is proud to announce that Chris Remo, designer and composer of Firewatch game is coming to Moscow!

There is a lot of talent behind Firewatch. Campo Santo accumulated the best game developing practices and created a masterpiece: the game made a big splash in the industry this year. We invited Chris Remo to DevGAMM  to share the story of how they were able to accomplish it.

How do you make a video game that is primarily about characters and story—without using combat, mechanical challenge, or traditional adventure game puzzles? Many developers have tackled this problem with very different results. Chris will explain how, with the first-person exploration adventure Firewatch, Campo Santo attempted to learn lessons from different video game genres in order to maintain player interactivity and carve out a unique space in the story game genre.

This presentation Firewatch: Rethinking Story-Driven Games will be of benefit to video game designers and developers working on games with a focus on story, characters, and exploration. It will also be of general interest to video game players who enjoyed Firewatch or other games that attempt to invest their audience emotionally in a world or its characters.


Chris Remo is a designer and composer at Campo Santo. His design and writing credits include games such as Firewatch and The Cave, and his original soundtracks include Firewatch, Gone Home, Thirty Flights of Loving, and Spacebase DF-9. He also co-runs the Idle Thumbs podcast network, and co-hosts its flagship gaming podcast.

Don’t miss a unique chance to catch Chris Remo in Russia! Grab your ticket now.

Important! Early Bird registration will end on March 31st. Only 3 days left!