Here comes the DevGAMM Moscow 2017 schedule!

By April 7, 2017News

Putting together this schedule  was the hardest task ever in DevGAMM Moscow history. We had approximately sixty four hundred jugs of coffee, butchered a couple of moderators and made the hotel build another hall for the conference 🙂

We also had more submissions than ever, and the diversity of topics and the quality of sessions sometimes caused tears of joy and sorrow at the same time running down our exhausted faces, because we had to turn some of the speakers down. Luckily you will be able to see most of them in Minsk!

Come visit 5 parallel streams of sessions and discussion panels dedicated to many aspects of the modern game development.

We’d love to mention the following keynotes:

  • Creating quests in the open world of Horizon Zero Dawn

Leszek Szczepański, Gameplay Programmer, Guerrilla Games

  • Birth of a Quest: The Warble of a Smitten Knight

Philipp Weber, Quest Designer, CD Projekt Red

  • Worlds Adrift: a post-genus

Henrique Olifiers, Gamer-in-Chief, Bossa Studios

  • The Evolution Of The Games Industry And Its People Impact

Tony Watkins, General Director, Electronic Arts Russia

  • Creating success on Twitch

Jon Carnage, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Twitch

We’re awaiting confirmation from some extra cool speakers so stay tuned! (Although we can’t wait to share their names already!)

Representatives of Nival, SUMO Digital, Playrix, Pixonic, Rocket Jump, Mail.Ru Group gaming department, tinyBuild, Battlestate, Game Insight, Softgames, TabTale, ARM, Unity, Bigpoint, Ripstone Games, Vlambeer, Saber Interactive, Google, Ubisoft, Riot Games and many others will deliver their sessions.

Discussion panels

We’re holding the Anti-Lynch for the second time already – it’s a special format where experienced game designers offer realistic ways of improving gameplay of three pre-selected but unpublished projects.

The aim of the “Game producing” round table is to share the participants’’ opinions on what a producer’s job really is in various game companies: what they do, how they work with their projects, how you become a producer, etc. You will learn more on the peculiarities of producing games in mobile, social and client-based games.

The round table organized by Olya Khomenko from PlayToMax will enlighten you on the instant games: why they are gaining such popularity, how you get in this sphere, and what prospects it has.

The HR and recruitment track will have a round table called “Talent deficiency” where the representatives of big companies will explain how they deal with the issue of shortage of certain specialists, motivate people to respond to openings, and what they do to stand out in the labor market.

Vasily Sabirov from devtodev will hold a round table called “Finding a needle in a haystack of game economy” will raise important questions of pricing, available tools and the connection between the virtual game economy and the real micro and macro economy.

To top it all, the Russian game industry expert council will gather to share their agenda.

Themed tracks

Game Design

One of the most wanted tracks will finally come to DevGAMM! Apart from the keynotes on  Horizon: Zero Dawn and Witcher 3 that will become the headliners of this track, our experts tried to raise as many interesting topics in game design as possible. Balance, narrative design, game economy, mechanics, game focus and many others will be discussed during the two days of the conference.

Vladimir Kovtun from Alawar and Konstantin Sakhnov from Rocket Jump are moderating.

HR and recruitment track

The second day of the conference will allow all specialists dealing with selection, adaptation, training, development and assessment of employees to share their experience and get some relevant information from the industry experts and front-runners. Sessions will be devoted to various aspects of recruitment, adaptation and building of employer’s brand. We are also going to talk about salaries, gamedev HR specialist profile and the sensitive matter of diversity.

Tanja Evdokimenko of the Values Value is moderating.

DevGAMM Marketing Talks

This track is only available for the holders of Business badges!

For the first time in the history of DevGAMM we have a track fully dedicated to game marketing and PR. A full day of sessions on game promotion from the leading companies on the game market, advice, lifehacks and living examples of how to make a game popular and memorable. And no selling traffic! Attention!

Aleksandra Pestretsova, an independent expert, is moderating.

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