iOS One-to-One meetings with experts

By April 25, 2017News

All devs will be blown away. If you’re developing a game for iOS, this one is for you. This format is a series of one-to-one 30 minute meetings with iOS experts. They’re going to spend a day reviewing your projects and providing feedback in terms of development and marketing, and if you have any questions then it is a great opportunity for you. Get your game ready for the App Store release!

When & Where: Purple Hall, May 18, from 10:30 am to 18:30 pm.

But keep in mind that pre-registration is required, and the number of appointment slots is limited. You can’t change the time of appointment. And playable iOS build with TestFlight account is a must.

Make sure to register before May 10. Come to DevGAMM Moscow 20017 and meet with iOS experts, let the world see your game!