Who is the new mysterious DevGAMM mascot?

By April 4, 2017News

Last year, two cuties – unicorn Unik and cunning fennec fox brought you joy at DevGAMM. We are keeping the traditions, after all, our mascot changes every conference, just like at the Olympic Games or UEFA. This year is no exception.

Please, welcome our raccoon Dexter! 🙂 He adores video games, cookies and DevGAMM!

This year, Denis Novikov volunteered to draw our mascot. He is a head animator of indie-studio Bread Team (which is famous for the game ‘Divide by Sheep’).

The game, on which he is working now is ‘Phantom Trigger’ – it won the nomination Excellence in Visual Art at our last year’s DevGAMM Minsk 2016.

‘My wife Ira created the idea and drew the first sketches, and I added the colors.’


First sketches:

On last year’s DevGAMM conference, our mascot had name for the first time. Therefore, we’ve decided to ask Denis, how would he like to name him?

*– What are you going to call him? 🙂
– Hmmm
– I can name him after cat that was a prototype – Dexter

Cat-prototype ‘Dexter’ watches overview videos to keep up with game industry news:

Racoon Dexter likes different games, especially indie 🙂

By tradition, mascot of our DevGAMM conference will adorn our site and promo materials of different activities. Stickers with raccoon Dexter will be available for all attendees, moreover, you can buy exclusive T-shirts and other promo products at the conference at our DevGAMM Shop.

DevGAMM Shop will be organized with the support of Vertcomm. You can learn more details from our future posts.

If you would like to be an author of next DevGAMM mascot for conferences in Minsk or Kiev – contact us at contact@devgamm.com