DevGAMM opens game submissions for Awards, Showcase and other activities

By September 12, 2016News

You have created a game, in a team or on your own, within twelve months or after fifteen years of hard work, using Unity or Game Maker – it makes no difference. The product, which was the culmination of your creative efforts deserves to be talked about, to be bought and played.

DevGAMM offers a whole series of activities that will help you achieve that. DevGAMM Awards game contest, GAMM:Play Showcase, meetings between developers and publishers called Speed Game Dating, mysterious Game Lynch. Learn more about each opportunity.

DevGAMM Awards

DevGAMM Awards is a competition for games of all platforms and genres. Submit your game and win prizes from sponsors in one of 11 nominations.

All you need is to buy a ticket, upload a playable build and wait for jury decision. Winners of previous years include such projects as The Uncertain, Out There, Shadowmatic, Skara, Skyhill, the Final Station and many others.

Deadline: October 5

GAMM:Play Showcase

GAMM:Play Showcase will help you get an objective feedback from real players, attract attention of publishers, investors and journalists in just half a day! You could spend the remaining time visiting useful sessions or having productive meetings.

Participation in GAMM:Play is free, all you need is a ticket and a game (finished product or playable build) to get a table.

Deadline for submissions is October 20.

Game Lynch

Only madmen will dare to submit their games to Game Lynch. This is a real Russian roulette: are you ready to drink a killer cocktail, or maybe fire a toy gun, or take part in light sword fight? Down with constructive discussions, it’s a place where your game has a real chance to be remembered for a long time!

Take a look at videos from past events to prepare yourself. Hey, bad-ass, we are waiting for your game until October 20!

Speed Game Dating

Do you want to meet 20 publishers in an hour? Now you can! Come to Speed Game Dating to collect a pack of useful business cards, find out who’s interested in games of your genre and improve your “elevator pitch”.

Registration deadline is November 1.