Przemyslaw Solski about Frostpunk scenario creative process

Przemyslaw Solski about Frostpunk scenario creative process

Breaking news! It’s high time to reveal our first keynote speaker. We know that most of you like city-building survival sim Frostpunk. Expect a super insightful session about its last expansion from Przemyslaw Solski, Senior Game Designer, 11 bit Studios.

Przemyslaw is going to focus on the creative process of Frostpunk: The Fall of Winterhome. The scenario tells what had happened in the town before catastrophe struck.

He’ll tell how to make a scenario for city builder game where the player has to lose, but at the same time feel like a winner.

Przemyslaw is a Senior Game Designer at 11 Bit Studios. He started his career in the game industry 5 years ago from free to play games. Now he is one of the main designers creating Frostpunk.

Join us at DevGAMM Minsk 2018 and learn how to create a scenario for city-building survival game. Hurry up and buy a ticket before regular prices run out.

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