Career Wall
is the best solution for job hunting and recruitment at the event.
Is hiring your main goal at the Сonference? Place a hiring offer in your corporate style and unique design on the Career Wall!
You can book slots and upload layouts via the new interactive system. After the registration, please follow the Guide.
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An interactive system will allow you to upload a vacancy yourself, and we will print and place it at the Career Wall
There are two options for posting vacancies on the wall: free and paid.
Free vacancies (Free) are printed according to the template. We choose the slot for their placement. All vacancies are going through pre-moderation.
Paid vacancies (VIP) give the opportunity to:
– use your own design and colors;
– choose a slot for the vacancy on the Career Wall
One VIP vacancy price is $50.
Payment is carried out through the payment system
NOTE: Platinum, Gold, and Silver sponsors have the opportunity to book a limited amount of VIP vacancies for free.
- Platinum — 4 spots per company
- Gold — 3 spots per company
- Silver — 2 spots per company

Deadline: May 7
Attention: to place a free Career Wall, job offer, please follow the Guide (“Free vacancies” point).
If you have any questions, please, contact
Recommendations for VIP vacancies compilation

Pixonic, founded in 2009, develops and publishes mobile games, including the company’s flagship War Robots, which is played by over 1.5 mln people daily. Pixonic now employs more than 200 people, while War Robots’ download count has exceeded 100+ mln. The company will continue to grow as it explores new markets and releases innovative games.

VALUES VALUE helps GameDev companies build their HR, PR and recruiting processes, hire teams and setup new offices. Our core client is a happy employee.